When Parazapper has stated that he has only "dabbled" in plate zapping, and says he's not impressed, when WORLD CLASS WORLD RENOUN researcher and medical research scientist Dr. Hulda Clark STRONGLY recommends and TEACHES this form of PLATE ZAPPING as valid and helpful, one has to wonder what's up. One also has to give Dr. Clark a great measure of credibility, as Pope John Paul II's physician thanks her for her methods and research. I do not agree with all of Dr. Clark's approach as supreme God best for all, but I do give her credibility and trust in much of what she presents... especially when I have two other medical research scientists who BACK UP and SUGGEST her plate zapping techniques in tandem with their much more scientifically advanced protocols and DEVICES, etc. etc. etc.
Perhaps the FEDs or authorities involved have a good reason to bust Parazapper for operating without an investigative license... perhaps that license has some simple requirement that Parazapper PURPOSELY failed to "forget" or claim ignorance about. Who knows?