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Re: Electromedicine Wonders & Update

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

freelastchance Views: 1,722
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 653,105

Re: Electromedicine Wonders & Update

vtool! This is great. :) I am glad you are doing so well. I wanted to share with you my convictions about CS. If you are not using real Colloidal Silver in your protical, this could be very very benificial as the CS will actually get into the cell

" Colloidal Silver works in several ways. Its very effective anti-microbial properties have resulted in use by doctors for the treatment of AIDS, Cancer, Epstein Barr, Gonorrhea, Lyme's Disease, Candida, fungus, warts and parasites.

In order to understand how Colloidal Silver works, one must first understand the disease-state of the body. The body encounters pathogens and other foreign entities many times a day. When the body is healthy, it maintains a proper pH and oxygen-rich environment. The pH (parts Hydrogen) inside the cells of the body are usually near an alkaline pH 7.2-7.4. Outside the cell, the fluid surrounding the cells will usually realize an acidic pH near 4.0. However, when an individual does not maintain a healthy environment in the body, the pH begins to rise in the outer fluid and fall inside the cell. This reduces the electrical potential of the cell. The oxygen levels in the body respond by decreasing. Pathogens that grow in the body will usually attack these weakened cells and "set up shop". Organisms that cause illness and attack these weak cells cannot survive in healthy cells that have outer fluid pH below ~4.0 and inner cellular fluid above pH ~6.9. Silver maintains a positive charge which when introduced to areas of infection, disrupt the organisms causing the illness.

Isnterestingly, colloidal silver kills the pathogens by inhibiting the enzyme(s) that these pathogens utilize to survive in their anaerobic environment. This enzyme(s) is the pathogen's "chemical lung". Without the necessary enzyme(s) for metabolism, growth, regeneration and survival, the pathogens "suffocate" and die. It is believed that viruses are destroyed because the electric valence charge of silver particles cause their protective protein coat, also referred to as the "head", to collapse and are rendered unable to replicate. The cells infected by virus will also be susceptible to enzymatic inhibition. They are then removed from the body by the immune, lymphatic, and intestinal elimination systems. This process is so effective that no pathogen has been recorded to mutate against colloidal silver or live in its presence for more than 6 minutes. While Antibiotics are losing their effectiveness, as several strains of germs are becoming resistant to conventional Antibiotics , they are not able to develop any resistant strains or immunity to SILVER."

Any way, I can forward you the report ("How to make Colloidal Silver for pennies a gallon") for the best way to make it if you want. :)

Have a good day! Keep getting well!


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