I have been on the Beck protocols every day, 2 hours a day, doing the full protocol, in addition to using the consultation, APBA transmission, and frequencies in the Fscan per Dr. Jeffery Sutherland
http://www.frequencyresearch.org , and TB viral frequencies from Dr. Richard Loyd. I specifically use the Fscan electrodes on the feet for two hours at 1552 & 2565 (one hour each frequency). I use SOTA instruments blood electrifier or "Silver Pulser" on the ankle pulse points (arteries). We make HIGH quality POWERFUL
Colloidal Silver at WE make at home, boiling the water surrounding the jar, and using the Stenulson method
http://stenulson.net/althealth/cswzlts.htm This method produces a very powerful amber colored collodial silver for the cost of electricity (3 nine volt batteries in the box we use, we do NOT use the Silver Pulser for this, though we could, we use a homemade C.S. generator <3 9 volt battery conversion>). We use the WZ04 for producing ozonated water. I use the MPG5 pulsing the lymph tissues DURING the zapping (Fscan) & blood electrification for 40-60 minutes, moving the MPG5 negative side of the wand each step of the way over a path of the lymph system (and brain, kidneys, spleen, and liver) to use this U.S. Patented microbe, parasite, virus, and bacteria neutralizer to get the critters hiding or latent (even dormant) into these hard to get areas... Remember the lymph fluids are TWICE the volume of BLOOD in the body... so this MUST BE "PULSED" or "neutralized". For borna virus, I have to keep a keen awareness for the unique symptomology, and treat quickly with Dr. Sutherland's frequencies and his APBA transmission... I haven't worked with the blood electrifier for this application yet specifically (borna virus is like the cold virus in that it can set in quickly, and take hold quickly, depending on the individual reaction or response to it).
Yes, and if your partner (sexual contact) is not treating his/herself, and you are having intimate relations with them, YOU will reinfect yourself with whatever they are carrying, latent viruses, etc. POSSIBLY each time you have this "contact" with them. SO, as Dr. Clark well points out, if THEY are not treating themselves to, then you are WASTING your precious time toward a goal of 'total elimination' or spontaneous remission. I have photos of some of what we are doing. For instructional purposes to instruct you on the research I am doing on SELF, and my fiance' on HERSELF, I will post them to the Curezone Image file/folder :)
I had lost my Fscan II for 45 days (Ukraine) and had a serious set back in that treatment protocol, and had to rely on Dr. Jeffery Sutherland's APBA transmissions. He finally had cleared my years (since 1998) sometimes severe right knee pain
http://www.frequencyresearch.org while I was touring New Zealand with his APBA ( advanced biophoton analyzer ) transmissions to me for LYME's Disease. He finally developed a series of frequency sets to treat this, which is reputed to be in 80% of the population, and responsible for a lot of symptomology leading to many inaccurate diagnosis by medical doctors, including schizophrenia, arthritis, etc. etc. My right knee pain, which was recurrent due to a 98 kickboxing aerobics injury, finally cleared, and cleared for good!!! Amazing!!! Lymes disease is a serious problem... and Dr. Sutherland's research proved to be incredibly helpful toward this problem. I decided to begin the Beck protocols about 6 weeks ago, to accelerate this most difficult fight against the viral form of TB. Dr. Richard Loyd
http://www.aboutroyalrife.com has known others to usually rid this in a year or so of treatment (frequency), however, I had two serious disruptions in treatment this past year, allowing the viral count to come back up. Thus, I decided to add the full Beck protocols, and hope to retest with a radionics saliva test with Dr. Loyd in about a month or so. Hopefully, this combination will KNOCK it out, and eliminate it. However, in my experience, I am finding more and more the need to deal with the Borna Virus more keenly... so I am depending on Dr. Sutherland's ongoing consultation and ABPA services for this... but may try the blood electrification also, and MPG5, however, I have known the ABPA to be VERY quick in treatment of the borna virus.
I hope this helps. I am sure the more advanced and experienced electromedicine and zapping enthusiasts on this board my find this of interest.
My fiance' continues to use the Fscan II to zap daily at 15 hz, and we are awaiting a powerpack to arrive for the F165, and will begin to use this in the future in our electromedicine "tool chest". I will update later as things continue to develop.