Re: data sheet for digital application...
>- an electronics engineer
There is a difference between electronics engineering and biomedical engineering. The body is thousands of times more complex than any electronic circuit in existance.
>- 1k was to limit the output
Agreed! I have stated this many times, 10 ma is considered to approach an unsafe level.
>- whoever is telling you otherwise is probably a TV repair man and is looking at this from a digital perspective and just has the facts wrong"
No one ever told me any such thing and I have not stated such.
>- Measuring the current is not a valid way to evaluate a Zapper
This is not correct. The voltage at any particular point on the body is directly related to the current: E=IR - That is the voltage is the result of the current times the resistance. As the body is composed of many resistances and capacitances, it does matter.
Additionally, what has been missed here is that it is the power that kills the parasites, not just the voltage. P=EI that is the power applied equals the voltage times the Current. Actually in the body it is much more complex but can be reduced to P=I^2R or the current squared times the resistance.
>- it's nonsense because we already know the $10 Zapper works (I'm proof - and so are others)
You are not proof: only anecdotal, however, I have never denied that the cheap zapper works, only not as well. Show your father the scope images. There is a definite difference and the ZP zapper only outputs 2 volts to the abdominal area.
This is meager compared to all other zappers that I have checked. Did not say it can't work, only not as well.
Also, you have never tried anything else, how do you know that none of the others are better? While I am happy that you like your zapper, in terminal cases, the choice that one makes will make a difference between living and dying.
>- pull up some data sheets
Yes, and post them as images. I already have pulled them from 2 manufacturers and neither claims to source 20 ma. Typical is 1.3 ma. Also, he is refering to short circuit protection, not normal drive output. In short circuit, the voltage of the CD4069 drops to less than 1/2 volt.
>-original LM555 was a great curcuit too, but it was power hungry
I guess that he may be behind the times, we use a CMOS 555 that has low power usage.
>- and not limiting enough in it's output (potentially dangerous)
As you said above, 1k ohm will limit 9 volts to 9 ma short circuited so that there is no more danger than there is with the CD4069. To say otherwise is misrepresentation.
>- you'd do better to promote it along with other Zappers so that more people will use Zappers!
Sorry, but on this, we have to agree to disagree. This is the one zapper that I am not convinced that it would produce good results overall. You need to remember 1 thing. A placebo will produce good results in 32 percent of the individuals that use it. I have not seen anything to indicate that the ZP zapper is more than this.
What I say to you is, do not try ParaZapper, but try 4 or 5 other zappers and then come back and tell me that there is no difference. Every zapper comes with a money back guarantee. Try it and return it if it does not help.
Having tried only 1 zapper and promoting it is almost like the blind leading the blind.