"Remember Parazapper has a interest in keeping zapper sales high as he sells zappers! A blood electrification device is much more potent! "
I couldn't agree more with that statement and with the fact that no one should be shaking in their boots about the bird flu yet. The zapper has just been publicized so much more than the blood electrification. The Science behind blood electrification is a lot stronger as well, if fact I believe Bob Beck was very sceptical as to whether the zapper works at all...of course I disagree, I think the zapper has many health benefits but no where near the potency of blood electrification.
Plus you can always build a blood electrifier and a magnetic pulser for less the it would cost to buy a terminator. I am always very skeptical of the marketing of these products, I think people should have the power to be responsible for their own health and not be delivered from drug companies into the hands of zapper makers. Good health is a right of all people and shouldn't have to be purchased from ANYONE!