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Re: Plate zapping ascaris?
mishmash Views: 2,937
Published: 20 y
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Re: Plate zapping ascaris?

I do not know that plate zapping is less effective than regular zapping but it is more specific, so you have to have the proper samples. Actually I think you may be confusing it with specific-frequency zapping with a frequency generator, which is also specific to the parasite. Place zapping is a way that the standard positive-offset zapper can be used to zap specific parasites that are being shielded, by causing the pulses to resonate with a sample. The sample may be of an organ or a parasite. It is not mentioned in TCFAD, but is in later books like TPFAC.

But in answer to the original question, it sounds like it might be saying plate zapping doesn't work against larger parasites. In that case, regular zapping (consistently to get the ones in the intestinal walls) may be the best defense. Also, roundworm is not the same thing as tapeworm, so it might me vulnerable to plate zapping after all.

Good luck


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