I'm in full agreement that the PH will never be balanced if the diet does not concur. Comercialized foods prove to be ANTI nutritious. The US table "salt" is a sodium which is manufactured in a chemical lab. We MUST have true Sea Salt along with water in proper quantites for optimal health.
I thought I'd mention caffeine. If I allow more than a weekend cup of caffeine coffee {even the organic coffe which is acid-free) my PH level drops.
My Ph balancing product is added to water or juice (7 drops) or more. I brush my teeth with it. Add it to my bathe. It's a hair Gel. Topical aid, instant face-lift cosmetic. {Makes face tighten up] Heals skin blemishes and some have said that it healed their skin cancers and pre-cancers.
It contains Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, ash of coconut hull and Eloptic water. Tastelss and odorless. Cheap to purchase.