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Re: Do Terminators really work?
scientist Views: 1,968
Published: 21 y
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Re: Do Terminators really work?

I just started the zapper and boy did I feel some dye off. I felt like I had a mild cold, especially the first few days. I had to drink a lot of water to avoid headaches. I guess everyone is different.

Also, I know that the liver cleanse can take up to 2 years to be complete, so it is not a cure for the impatient person. Maybe if you cut back your regimen to a simpler one, you would not feel it is taking up too much of your time and could stand it taking so long more easily. I have been cleansing for a year and a half and only do one cleanse at a time, so I don't get overwhelmed. My ailments are a lot milder than yours, so maybe it is easier for me to be patient, I can't say.

I did feel some great euphoria after a few Liver Cleanses early on, so maybe that kept me going. I hope you feel it soon too.


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