Thank you for the advice. My children do pay for much of their own education, books, insurance (not cheap), gas, parking and also pay board. They are pushing to succeed and that says a lot. I think they will do very well in life and will pay me back one day in their own way. I know how kids who are given everything on a silver platter usually the ones who do not succeed at too much other than partying and spending Mom and Dad's money. Fortunately, that isn't the case.
I live in Canada and we can add a third to everthing that we purchase in US dollars so money doesn't go as far here. My health is very important and I will do what I can to afford all these wonderful machines, it will just take a while. If I had my way this would all be a part of the Medical system we pay so dearly for. Free medical care here costs a fortune on our taxes! And for what? Service that doesn't work. Just doesn't make sense to me but I hope to help change the system to a preventative one. This one is just not working. Money has taken the place of our health. How can we make make health a productive business? They are doing a great job. One day they will educate instead of medicate, just hopefully sooner or later.