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Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MentalNomad Views: 1,339
Published: 22 y
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Kareem, I have reposted a message I posted some time ago about my husband's results with candida and parisites using a zapper. My husband didn't have a raging case, and is otherwise just pretty healthy, but hopefully it could help you out just as much too.
If you have any friends that know anything about electronics they could build you a zapper from Hulda Clark 's plans, it only costs about 15-20 dollars in parts from Radio Shack. My dad has built a couple. The Terminator my dad and I have now though seems to work much better than the plain zapper, I think Don Croft's improvements to it have really made a difference. Perhaps someone with a plain zapper could give you some information on wether it helps eliminate candida? Also have you considered taking food grade hydrogen peroxide? On the oxegyn therapies forum there are several testomonies of people's candida coming out in their waste. You might take a look at this article, I found it to be very interesting. I no longer have the problem of candida, but want to use it for overall immune system boosting. I've been under a lot of stress lately and really need it I'm sure...Anyway, here is the url and best of luck to you, Caitlin Lorraine

Other post from awhile back...
I have wonderful, wonderful news. :) My dad bought a Terminator zapper a couple of weeks ago, it is a improved modification of Dr. Hulda Clark 's zapper. My husband works at a pig farm with my dad so we were sure he had to have parisites, and he also had terrible candida. So one night when we were over at my mom and dad's we zapped Josiah for about 25 minutes. That was Friday night. Sunday Josiah wasn't feeling very good so I borrowed the zapper from Daddy and Josiah left it on all night. Monday I took him to my naturopath to have him tested, he'd been really tired and stressed the last few weeks and Josiah is usually like the energizer bunny. She did Ak on him and said his endocrine system was weak from all the stress and gave him a chinese formula for it. I asked her to test him for parisites and candida while she was at it because I was curious. He tested negative for both!!! I had tested him sometime ago prior for candida and he had tested postive but had refused to do the candida diet again (or anything else for that matter). So I know for postive fact he had that, and I honestly can not see how he did not have parisites since he has never done a parisites cleanse in his life and is working in pig crap all day. So I thought it was pretty awesome results. :) Croft said it gets rid of Candida very easily, but I didn't think that easy!! Now he can quit passing it to me. :) We're going to buy a Terminator of our own after I have the baby and we get a little money.
It has really been helping my dad too, he has been zapping all night most every night for the last two weeks. A toothache he had went away, his Ph is balanced for the first time in YEARS..., he is parisite free, has more energy, it is helping his gout, got rid of a cold right when it first started, and sleeps a little better. He just keeps noticing small things as he goes. The Terminator has the orgone generator among other improvements. He can definetly feel the energy in his meridians! Which is weird to him. The only side effect he had from it, was when he first got it he had very acid ph and his skin was acid too. He left it on all night above his ankle and it put two little burn marks where the pennies where touching his skin. The funny thing was, it burned two little burn marks in the same spot on the oppisite leg that night without having ever touched it! Willlddd...But now that his Ph is balanced he hasn't had any more problems with skin itch and no more burn marks thus far. My dad has been chronically ill for years so I'm sure it will be a slower road for him to feel amazingly better, but it has definetly been helping.
If you are interested in looking at Croft's site this is the url but has them to buy a little cheaper than Croft's site. Croft says candida is just a fungal parisite and is easily killed with the zapper, and from this experiment it seems to be true. Anyway, just wanted to post this great news, and I hope it can benefit others as well. :) Oh, And by the way just for anyone that might ask as someone always does, no, I'm not affiliated with the zappers and I don't sell them. :) Caitlin Lorraine


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