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Re: Yay! Mucoid Plaque!
TheDude Views: 4,226
Published: 22 y
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Re: Yay! Mucoid Plaque!

Geez thanks.

My interest in doing a Bowel Cleanse goes back to a few years ago when a friend mentioned an article about someone doing (what I now know is) the MasterCleanse. He was amazed at all the weird stuff that came out.

So on reading the Stuff Magazine article it reminded me that I always wanted to see if I could get cleaned out. I wouldn't say I've been terribly unhealthy in my life -- but the average American diet is pretty bad and I've had a decade of beer and booze too.

I found this site and started reading pretty much everything and then tried Dr. Schulze 's Intestinal #2 for a week and nothing much really happened. That's when I started realizing I probably needed to stop eating to really let the bentonite/psyllium work. So that's what I'm trying.

I'm drinking a ton of water and I'm really not hungry -- but I just want to eat because I like to eat. I keep reading about food or seeing food and really want to eat it -- but I'm not actually hungry. Food for me is really like an addiction I think -- I just love it. I'm overweight, but not that bad. But that's another reason to do this.



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