Re: LOST...mixings, cravings and other ponderings
Hang in there.
I'm hungry and I've only been on this for a few hours! (I swear it's all mental.) You want what you can't have and all that but once you get it you'd be pissed off at yourself for giving in. We'll see how the next four days go though! (there's beer in the fridge)!!!!
FYI -- I stopped mixing the psyllium with the lemonade. Just the bentonite. The psyllium I take just with water -- it goes down better.
I know it probably doesn't make a difference, but I alternate the psyllium 8
oz and the bentonite/lemonade 8
oz each time although I would figure they'd all mix together pretty quick once they go down.
Put WAY too much cayenne in my first bottle of lemonade but just let the glass sit a couple minutes to have some of it sink. Otherwise, I'm worried about how it's going to feel coming out the other end! Sorry -- gross.
My theory on this is that I need an empty tract to let the
Bentonite and psyllium do their jobs and just doing those while eating normally isn't going to accomplish much.
I too want to see tons of gross stuff coming out ASAP! There was a great article in Stuff Magazine about a correspondent and photographer that were sent to Thailand to do a seven day fast/flush. I based my idea on my combo-fast on that. It was a pretty funny article and I think it's archived at Stuff if you're interested.
Their program was basically P&B drinks every three waking hours combined with coffee/vinegar enemas. They were getting out tons of weird stuff in a couple days doing that. No lemonade--but they did drink a liver-flush-like drink. And also used "Chompers" -- laxatives of some sort.
I just want to get 31 years of steak, beer, and chicken wings vacated!!!!
By the way, your post was making me hungry!!!