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blueskyz Views: 12,510
Published: 22 y
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Why not start the cleanse AFTER your birthday?

I don't know as it would be so much of a weight loss issue, as it will be the fact that you'll probably get very drunk and possibly quite sick rather easily. That will make for a fun birthday, eh?

But more than that, it's just THEORETICALLY not copasetic. It's two different mindsets. Becoming drunk and ill is not only a likelihood because your body won't be full of food and equipped to handle the toxicity of the alcohol, but your (hang with me, gonna get a bit cosmic here) unconscious/soul/intent/ real SELF won't know what the heck is going on. Get clean? Party? Intent is everything and you'll be sending mixed messages. The result, more likely than not - and hang the physical logistical reasons - is puke city.

Change your start date or skip the booze - and pass on the "have your cake and eat it too" (hehehehehe - how's that for bad "birthday humor?" But choose. That's my suggestion.



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