I've been reading posts on some of the other forums. And just found the most awesome post from the webmaster of curezone. It goes into more detail about what some of us have been discussing the last few days - namely, that detoxing is more than just about bowel cleansing etc.
I'm not experiencing any of this stuff, but then I've spent 20 hard years recreating myself on a daily basis and have gone through several radical transformations. I did this cleanse specifically to get rid of some cellular and neurological patterened memories (smoking and alcohol and a few others). MY learning from this cleanse is all about getting healthy PHYSICALLY
and maintaining that, so in that aspect, the people of these forums have been incredibility enlightening.
I was jazzed to read this article and wanted to pass it on as soon as possible as many are confused about why they are suddenly depressed or experiencing some radical different things from their previous cleanse etc.
Hopinso recognizes this - perhaps intuitively, perhaps from knowledge and experience - and is flowing with what comes, rather than fighting it. A wise action. Try not to judge or label, just be with it as it IS. In this way, one assists oneself, and the purging and integration process of the new belief system is facilitated.
PS: I am greatly impressed and appreciative of every single one of you - for knowledge, wisdom, or merely for being here, undertaking this. I know that I never could have done this fast 15 years ago - I would never have been strong enough for the mental assault I would have received, nor would I have been able to stay on it more than 2 days. It wasn't time for me - but I'm certainly thankful it is now, or I'd not have met all of you.