Hey guys! Drank my swf within 10 min on an empty stomach......NOTHING! It was several hours before I went...OF course it was while I was with my children at the Science Museum! I must have had to go 4 or 5 times while there....But nothing that was like a "flush" I would expect soon after drinking the swf....
I have been squeezing my lemons w/ my hand cause I don't really have a juicer and someone gave me an extra one they had...its actually a very cool little hand juicer ..even has a little cup it rests on the collect the juice...:) Isn't that funny how excited I get about a silly little juicer! ANyways..I will try it out tomorrow. I am sure it will be great! HAs to be much nicer than what I have been doing!
I will also try to swf again and see if I have any better luck this time...
Anyone have any success stories to share?? I could use the motivation right now... I want to hear about all of the improvements/results from completing the MC..it just re=affirms why I am doing it!