Back up on the horse, she is! And drinking down that salt water like a practiced pro! (Wow - at the science museum....pooping is never quite the same at a public place!)
Actually, I think I'm the exception. Seems everyone else made comments that indicated there might be some duration between drinking and pooping. I don't know why it comes so fast with me - is that cause I was using iodized? Did you read my response to you after you clarified to recpapi the other night that the sea salt needs to be UNiodized?
So tomorrow I try it with UNiodized - who knows, I might end up with a delayed reaction as well!
As for having better luck - relative! It's coming back OUT (ahhhh...enhanced, so to speak) - and that's what counts!
I realize I'm sort of anal retentive on some things (oh, lol - no pun intended!) and completely spacey on others, but try this - keep everything the same (there might be continuity in the reaction time) or maybe alter something to see if it cranks the time frame up a bit....and it will give you greater control over the timing. (hopefully UNiodized won't delay me too much and then GIT me on the way to work....!)
Your little juicer thing - groovy, eh? BIG DIFFERENCE! And why NOT be excited over a "silly little juicer"? Fresh lemon juice is a very focal part of your life these days, and "little things" can just as easily bring joy! Have FUN with it!