Re: thanks julie + Q 4 you
Ah, thanks. Well, before I'd even read your answer, I went in that direction, simply because of what I inferred from your earlier post. So this morning I would say is really the first time I did a TRUE SWF - warm water, a FULL quart, and I upped the salt. I managed to drink the stuff within 5 minutes, and it affected me almost immediately. Thank heaven I go up an hour early this morning because I was in and out of the bathroom every 5 minutes for a good 45 minutes.
Besides, I figured if all y'all could do the SWF AND fix food for your families or work in a restaurant, then I was going to stop being a wuss and do it to. That's what I said this morning: IF THEY CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU!!!! So thanks everyone, for your inspiration on unpleasant, distasteful, inconvenient things. And Julie, thanks for the follow up and specific info and quote.