Just a few quick thoughts and Qs. Is there anything else is going on with you? Things that used to work that aren't? Something you are struggling with? Anything external that used to boost you up and you have discontinued?
I'm not even CLOSE to experienced enough to know if it's caused by anything physical as a result of your cleanses. My initial inclination is that all your cleansing would bring a feeling of well being, rather than the opposite. So I'm wondering if there is something you are holding on to that isn't working for you in some manner - whether that "something" is an internal message or an external one.
If you haven’t read the thread that starts with Hopinso’s post: DAY 8 – AFTER A ROUGH NIGHT, check it out. Get back with us and let us know what’s going on. If you are willing to provide more info, I might be able to be more specific in my help.