Re: Hypoglycemia and MC
go back to the recipe board at the
read below the recipe it gives a add amt of molasses for hypoglycemics/diabetics.
also add a bi tmore maple syrup/ are you using dark grad b ?
i got my dark grade b from
a gallon on sale for 29.95
i use 1 and 1/2 tablespoon per drink, whiel my thin son needed 2 and a half table sppons or he got shaky and very hungry
if i feel a bit extra boost needed i jstu add a littel more for one drink.
i amke up a whole pitcher at oen time 2
quarts = 3 lemons fresh (this is for 6 drinks) so i add table spoon of syrup ratio i am using then 60
ounces of water (since recipe says 8-10
oz glass )
i know this equals the minimum i need to drink per day/
which is 6-12 lemonaides per day.
i myself have taken a few break drinks of a green tea (they say youcan have an herbal mint tea) an di added syrup to it/cuase it was cold here and i jstu wanted to bundle up and sipa warm drink.