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Re: "and Damascus shall become a ruinous heap"-The Bible
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Re: "and Damascus shall become a ruinous heap"-The Bible

what you have written in this post i believe is absolutely correct. i would just like to say that when events you speak of are inevitable,but then to proclaim that it is written in 'REVELATIONS' LESSENS your 'authority' on the subject vtool. in effect it becomes 'witchdoctor' thinking if you get my drift? it's the old 'story', the MORE one put's into a 'revelation'( if i could use that word ) the REALITY of what you say DIMINISHES, at least that's how it affectected me.
i lived in NEW ZEALAND for 15 years, ,73 to '87, probably sat in that bar in downtown AUCKLAND you spoke of. the 'living under the umbrella' of the USA was a subject there at one time. the US 'used' NZ as a 'base' and were told to leave. the US reminded the kiwi's about 'protectionism', the US were told 'more or less' to go to hell, for where was your 'protection' when the GREEN PEACE boat "RAINBOW WARRIOR"
was sunk in AUCKLAND HARBOUR by they believe FRENCH AGENTS. GREEN PEACE were
'harrassing' the FRENCH who were testing their NUCLEAR weapons at the MURAROA ATOLL
in the SOUTH PACIFIC at the time.
vtool, i think that although you are more articulate than i, our interests are similar in effect, but i will not entertain the DEVIL thinking because in this life
there does not always have to be an opposite to EVERYTHING. the FATHER is in my PSYCHE (spiritual),the HOLY SPIRIT ( jesus christ) i will try to ENHANCE.
like you i have travelled much , AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, NEW ZEALAND (lived), etc.
i have 'experienced' PEOPLE, even within my own country, i have friends from IRAN.
i have achieved openmindedness.
i must just say this, the USA get's abused more than it's warranted because if anyone wishes or thinks they can walk onto their land, they had better WATCH OUT.
the USA have always 'played AWAY', i would hate to see them 'playing at HOME'.


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