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Re: concepts of the kingdom of heaven
golfegg Views: 2,396
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 642,910

Re: concepts of the kingdom of heaven

So basically after all that you're just saying I'm "accumulating worthless stuff to pass on to someone else". I'm not accumulating, it was done a long time ago by someone else.

"since none of the physical world is real"
This is where the little scroll and a lot of conventional Christians are wrong. The physical world is real. Are we not breathing? The body is real even though it is not us.

"it is in the spirit realm that god exists."
God created everything SEEN and unseen. What does that leave out? So God created our bodies, and the world that isn't real? So God created unreal things? Wouldn't God have to be unreal to create unreal things?

"if we dont live in the spirit we will never see god and we will pass away with this world."
What part of your or anybodies body exists in the spiritual realm? So we will all pass away with this world?

OK, so what part of any of this has to do with the fact that the Bible teaches at least three different concepts of Heaven? Are you denying this fact? You say it is plainly stated in the Bible, so which concept is right? Is Heaven here now, or in the future? Or is it both? Or is it when Heaven comes to Earth in this square cube the Jews envisioned? Or can we enjoy Heaven here right now ("at hand" like Jesus said) or do we have to wait till we die, and then do we enjoy it right after death, or do we have to wait to be risen from the grave at some chosen point in time? You accuse me of following the teachings of man. Who other than man could write such a screwed up mess as all of these conflicting teachings from the Bible?

I know you'll probably avoid trying to answer these questions saying I'm trying to bait you or something, but the truth is I'm just asking questions which if you could answer would prove yourself right and me wrong, and if it's all so "plain", you could easily answer them.


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