just about the whole new testament, john.it is the mechanism by which all of the things talked about therein fit. jesus gave us the outward example - that is the reason he did many of the things he did. one would not think that he would have to get baptised, but he said it was needful. god told us to listen to him, he gave us admonition to follow him and do his teachings. funny how i still remember sunday school and singing about the wise man builds his house upon the rock, yet not one person here could tell me how this is done or even what the rock is. then paul spoke mostly of the inward workings such as saying we are baptised into christs death and later that if any man be in christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new. what the world sees as heaven and earth is malarkey. jesus changed everything and delivers all who will obey him from the sting of death. its pretty much that easy.