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Re: The Jesus myth!
mccarty Views: 2,395
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 641,786

Re: The Jesus myth!

Thorn, you're putting words in my mouth again.

For the last time, I support alternative medicine, 50% of the time. I support mainstream med the other 50% of the time.

If an herb or vitamin supplement works just as good as a medication, I'll take the vitamin or herb any day. I take 8-10 different vitamins and herbs a day, thorn, and there's not a doubt in my mind that they've done wonders for my health through the years. But there are certain areas in medicine that require mainstream medications. I have given the example of Type 1 Diabetes repeatedly. That's my only point on the issue, thorn. I am not here to discredit the merits of any natural protocol that you or others support. The only thing that I will do from time to time is point out the limited dangers that CAN come with herbal supplementation. But the purpose in that is merely informative; I'm not here to tell anyone that they should or should not do something. I might offer a comment from time to time when it comes to people zapping themselves with electrical devices or those that are taking enormous amounts of any one vitamin, herb, or amino, etc, but that's it, thorn.

Second, when it comes to the aspects of Christianity, thorn, I am not a believer in war, I don't believe that Jesus Christ would have ever supported war, that's my personal belief, at least. Jesus referenced the need to assist the poor over 500 times in the Bible. He spoke about the need to forgive your enemies. He embraced the weak, the fallen, the sick. That's the Jesus I know, Thorn, and I love Him very much.

When it comes to your enemy, our President, never before have I mentioned that I supported tax cuts for the rich or the way that this war has played out. I am very happy they got Sadaam so he can no longer do what he was doing over there to his people, but that's really the only part of it that I like, personally.

Part of being a Christian is to seek out the good in the hearts of people. You have to believe that way in life or life itself can become awfully depressing very fast.

So in the case of the President, thorn, though I don't believe in everything that he supports, I can't believe that some of you people honestly look at the guy as being satan, either. Read the Times news article once that was out over the summer describing the President literally breaking down into tears after meeting with military families that had lost their kids. Look at the way Bush talks to people, when the cameras are off. All you see him doing is hugging people and joking around with them, etc. He doesn't sound like Adolph II to me, thorn.

They might well have sent Cheney up in an elevator straight from hell, I'll give you that much. But all he cares about is $. In three years, he'll be out of office and retire back on his ranch in Wyoming and will no longer be a concern to anybody.

And that's the major reason I've challenged you in the other form. The reason that everyone around this type of place thinks that "Bush is the enemy" is only because you people are scaring everyone to their wits by calling the guy the antichrist. The media's done a fine job at presenting him in that light, too, I might add.

Two years ago, I was one of the strongest Democrats there was, thorn. I'm a Clinton lover, and always will be. His heart is in the right place for those less fortunate, and I'll always support that direction in life, regardless of what he may have done in his personal life. That's between him and God, not us.

Over the past year, however, I've changed. I haven't become "Brainwashed," I'm not under a "Curse of the Republican party." I'm not even a Republican, I'm still a Dem.

But on the same hand, once I managed to break myself loose of the actual brainwashing going on by different groups in the media and certain web communities, etc, I'm not about to be so foolish as to believe that Bush represents massive evil. If a few people could ever manage to get past their paranoia, you could see the truth about the guy-he's in over his head, as any president would be given what's happened over the past four years. He's tired, he's exhausted, and he probably is in a state of shock given the fall out of the Iraq war.

A president like Bush makes certain people nervous, and that's only because he comes across as a tough guy when he feels that he's been boxed in the corner by the media. Most people respond that way when they go through something like that, I know that I probably would. But that doesn't mean he's the antichrist, that doesn't mean he's up to no good, thorn.

Furthermore, like I said, none of us know what's really going on behind the scenes of all of this. You've got Bin Laden on the loose, unidentified terrorists in our country, and some type of major security threat announced every few months. How do any of us honestly know what's going on, thorn? Honestly.

For those of you that believe that Bush ordered the 9/11 attack and that Rumsfeld knocked down the levies in New Orleans, you really have to get a grip on reality. Furthermore, you need to take some responsibility for what you're doing to people around this place.

Innocent housewife Jane Doe looks up "Natural Progesterone alternative" on Google, arrives at this massive website, than decides to take a peak at that damn Conspiracy forum, and suddenly your group has them believing that martians are controlling the Denver airport. Before long, she's drinking her own urine and shooting enemas up her back end filled with stuff that I've never heard of before.

I'd feel bad about that at a personal level if I was the one responsible for doing that to people, thorn. There comes a point when a person can become so convinced that he/she is doing the right thing that they can take a plunge from reality. Telling people that the bird flu has been invented in laboratories and what not tends to fall along those lines, in my judgement. Look at what 2tuff has written down over the past few weeks. Take an honest look at it, thorn. It's madness, and you know it. Intelligence can be a wonderful thing, but if you take it too far, one begins to define their own reality, and sometimes that reality has no basis in the real world itself.

In respect to Curezone itself, thorn, this is what I think has happened-long ago somebody decided to set up a beneficial website for people to come and share their ideas. Over time, however, "The personality" came to flourish, the one held by several of its participating members. "Screw the medical establishment, I'm in control, I'll fix it."

Before long, some of this became too goofy, literally. It started out as an attack against the failures of the medical community, and than it moved onto world affairs, etc. Today, it stands as a borderline, if not an outright cult by those that are sitting here scaring people half to death day and night. It's an invitation for Schizophrenia for the new member, and that's what I take offense to, thorn. That's it. I just don't want others to become like those that pledge their allegiance to the mindset involved in the Conspiracy forum. I don't want them to develop that mindset, thorn, and that's because their own health is bound to detoriorate far faster than it would normally. Psycho immunity is real, thorn.

Brain=hypothalmus=pituatory, than the thyroid, than the thymus, which just so happens to sit right next to the heart. Further along down the endocrine system we find the adrenals, which lie atop those kidneys.

Take John Doe-a peaceful, content, loving husband who appreciates everything in life, regardless of whether or not he's rich or poor. $500 says he's sitting in superior health compared to Jane Doe, housewife with Hypothyroidism, obesity, rage, and a failing kidney.

Negative thought-brain (Rage). The Hypothalmus is connected to the brain, which thereby controls the Pituatory, on down to the thyroid (Hypothyroidism and Obesity). Then down to the adrenals, and than finally the kidney gives out.

Therefore, for the average curezoner, is it more beneficial to take advise from the message of hope from within, or is it wiser to believe in, than become what is to be found in that Conspiracy form. Certainly, the power of that Cayenne pepper is hardly going to offset the negative physical impact on the body brought about by maintaining a paranoid viewpoint with life.

And perhaps this would be an area for consideration when it comes to some of these negative medical experiences. Are you really sitting across the office from a man that doesn't give a rip about you, or are you looking at a man that doesn't know how to explain that your mind is responsible for causing much of this.

Imagine, if just for a moment, all of this could be taken away. All of it-all of the worry, all of the fear, all of the hate.

Imagine a different place, a different world, one where there was no fear, there wasn't hate, and a person wasn't concerned about "Suspicions" relating to the doings of this or that doctor, or this or that public figure.

All of it is possible by developing a relationship with Christ. His love is the cure for everything. Before long, you're hardly concerned about any of the potential evils taking place in the world. All you care about is Him, and the peaceful message of hope that He brings along to the relationship.

That's what Faith is really about, in my opinion.



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