Re: Topical Steroid Problems
My GP's nickname for me is Mr Atopic. Hayfever symptoms all year round, worse in summer. Cats, dogs, horses, dusts, you name it!
Tried gluten free diets, goats milk & cheese, cut out eggs, all useless.
Many years back scratch & patch tests revealed that I was allergic to Sulphur or "red headed matches" Hmmm! This was one thing I rarely used, go figure?
About a year or so back the same tests reveal that I am allergic to something extremely rare, something gallate which is rarely seen nowadays in lipstick!! As I'm no transvestite I don't have a lot to do with the stuff.
My skin is constantly dry with outbreaks are mainly at the flexures, but can be anywhere on the bod. I can't pin it down to one or even a group of specific things. It would be rather nice if I could stop consuming one thing or another & be cured.