A great thing to do for your skin is to get some Bentonite and mix it about equal parts with organic apple cider vinegar. Mix it to a fairly thick but smooth paste. 3 Tbsp will be enough to do your whole face.
Schmear it on your face and let it sit for 20/30 mins and then wash it off with warm water. The Bentonite will draw out the impurities and toxins from your skin and leave your skin tight and smooth. It feels great and it will definetly reduce the size of your pores.
I have read of other things to mix the Bentonite like green tea for example. I've only tried the vinegar and it works great for me. If your skin is really sensitive you might look into the other stuff besides the vinegar or just do the vinegar for shorter times. You face might be a little red after you wash the mask off but that is normal and will go away shortly.