Re: yes, sanctimonious, self-rightous and more.....
2/3's of the globe is not Christian, and of that 2/3, the majority are not "Fundamentalists". Are we all to "go to hell?"
In Matthew 24:14, Jesus tells us He is not going to come back until after every ethnic group of people on the earth has an understandable witness of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Upon hearing the gospel, each individual has the choice to either accept or reject it. God says that those who reject it will spend eternity in hell.
Also, in Revelation 5:9 & 7:9, it is written that there will be
"...a great multitude, which no man could number, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne..." Heaven will house believers from every part of the world.
What kind of a god do you believe in, who in His/Her omniscience, would create us just to condemn us??
I believe in a God who became a human, suffered at the hands of humans, and was killed by them, all so that His death could be the payment for their sins? That is extremely loving. God is saving people who deserve to go to hell -- and we all deserve that. Remember that the same God that sends people to hell also died for them. If they reject what God has provided then what is God left to do?