I never said the Bible is a doctrine of fear. I see the same words that many christians see...but I have a filter that filters out darkness... Men have perverted the message of Jesus.... just like the religious people of Jesus' day did..who picked at words instead of the Spirit of the Word. I read the Bible and don't get the angst that so many christians get toward their fellow human being when they get fired up by fear,
This is the kind of prayer that fear causes....
"Every time I pray, I ask God to destroy all sinners, all evil doers and all the wicked. If you aren't saved you are all three. So, yep, I ask God to destroy YOU. Praise God"-unknown christian
How about this prayer instead?
I ask God to forgive every sinner's sins, forgive every evil doer and all of the wicked...So yep I ask God to Bless You...All of you