God's will is in accordance to what he sees as the truth, not us. I agree that someone (more likely a group of people) should be held accountable, however I don't think it is our place to say who.
I apologise for any ambiguity in my previous post in relation to fearing God. What I mean by "fear God" is fear failing him (which we all constantly do!). In fact, this command is given 366 times in the bible: to fear God. I think this a great way of reminding us to speak for Jesus and not ourselves. Personally, I don't think Jesus would want us to hold Bush fully accountable for his government's actions or those of his soldiers (See Hebrews 13:17 - my last post). Ev put it right by saying we really don't know who Bush is or where he is with God/Jesus.
However, I do not condone your position, it may very well be right; I'm just not convinced that this would be Jesus' way!