HELLO OLGA/ Very interesting post Ev.
I have not seen you in a while Olga. Where have you been hideing?
That was a very interesting post Ev. Parts of it seemed to describe posters on this forum. Only this morning a message was posted on the christian support forum that was anti-christian, title "Jesus the spiritual Warrior". It even went as far to say that Jesus was not born of a virgin and that He and John the Baptist were enemies (how low can one go?)
I liked this part and wish that I could always remember it. "Speaking up must be done without sarcasm or unkindness. The infiltrator tries to get the Christian riled so that the truth he has brought to the discussion will be overshadowed by angry words typed in frustration. They will push buttons until the Christian snaps and retaliates with harsh words. Purpose that you will not resort to sarcasm or angry words, while continuing to stand firm for the truth as written in God's Word. Remember the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God".
But I would wonder how far to take it. how far is too far?. An example, one christian may say that the two witnesses to come are Moses and Elija, another may name two other biblical figures. Should that issue be enough for two christians to get into a big scrubble over?
This was only my opinion.