You are calling your lie the truth... Even if you are right about the Vatican... You stating that the villany of the people in those photos was "probably" done by Catholics is an abuse of the truth and provokes and directs hatred toward Catholics when there is no way you could possibly know the faith of the American Soldiers who raped and tortured those Iraqi men and women. Admit you were wrong to suggest that those soldiers were probably Catholic. There is a far greater possibility that those U.S. Soldiers were not Catholic and using a hate inciting false statement to support another statement makes believing either statement difficult to believe. Stick to the truth and please refrain from making blanket statements about Catholics. Once you start a blanket statement that attributes evil to whole populations of people, you have moved beyond defending your ideas to inciting hatred. Please reconsider retracting your statement, accusing the war criminals who raped and tortured those Iraqis, and stick with the truth.