Last 2 flushes were 1 month apart, the earlier ones 2 weeks. The first flush produced only scum and sludge. The other three produced a total of four 3/4 in stones, twenty seven 1/2 in stones, 73 pea sized stones plus some broken up pieces. AND twenty abt 1 in size flukes after the 3rd flush ( my trophy so far). I am in my fifties and should have many more stones than that???
What concerns me most is that it is now Tuesday 7 P.M. and I still have not had one proper bowel movement after the flush Sun night.
Abt two hours ago I drank a huge glass of prune juice. Will do an enema tonight. If it is like the two yesterday, it will produce only a little brown soup from the final foot and a half of the colon.
Is it possible that a pile of stones higher up are blocking the system? What to do next?
Perplexed and worried