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13th flush results at last!
Ronnie Views: 2,632
Published: 22 y
Status:       RN [Message recommended for CureZone Newsletter!]

13th flush results at last!

Well, to any doubters out there who say that the body manufactures the 'stones' from the oil and grapefruit juice then all I can say is I have the greatest respect for the ingenuity and consummate skill of my body (well, I have anyway). Every flush has been different, some more than others. I have passed broad bean shaped and coloured stones, split pea stones, pumpkin seed stones, large roundish yellow stones made up of smaller ones, pea sized stones, elongated (some 11/2 inches) stones, dark green, light green, putty coloured, bright yellow, a few red; froth, scum and 'sand' in all shades from white to yellow. Some flushes have been very productive, some paltry, some have gone easily and others have given me a bad headache. After some I have felt energised and clean, after others weak and fatigued. After all of them I have always felt clear-headed and they have all led to me feeling better and better and the interval between the flushes has increased from two weeks to two months. I only flush when my body protests that it needs another flush.
This flush has also had me perplexed and is a 'first'. I started off with no constipation and followed the Hulda Clark e protocol to the letter. I had a headache and felt very hungry and to tell the truth I had been putting off doing the flush for about 3 weeks because I am enjoying eating again. (I only eat freshly cooked and home prepared food with occasional meals out. Lots of fruit and vegetables and a few 'treats'). Eventually, because of heaviness in the liver area, pain on eating any fats (in my case, small amounts of meat and olive oil) and stomach pains and headaches I knew I couldn't wait any longer. Today I have had no diarrhoea. I have had 3 BMs not quite as firm as usual and then about 8pm a pan full of scum which turned out to be made out of hundreds, probably thousands, of tiny granules, yellow in colour. Have you ever sprinkled lecithin granules on your food? That's just what they looked like. It looked as if I had poured half a can down the loo and the pan looked greasy. Haven't ever seen those before. I feel clear headed and fine tonight and in awe of this process. I have so many questions and I suppose there are no answers. What are these? Are they cholesterol? Would they later clump together to form larger 'stones'. Why did they give me symptoms just as bad as stones? Did they really come from my liver? Or were they from my gallbladder? How many years have I carried this junk around and why can I not tolerate this rubbish now? I am interested to see if I will pass anything that resembles the stones of my previous flushes tomorrow. So, here is a potted history of flushing one well used (but not really abused) liver. Some people in my family frown and say that it isn't wise to carry on this flushing as it can only be bad for my body. I tell them that I felt dreadful a year ago and now I feel so much like my old self and I only flush when my body tells me too. Flushing isn't fun but the results speak for themselves.


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