Julie: My doctors told me the same thing, about multiple stones and about the gallbladder not contracting. I was also told the gallbladder wall were thickened...I had blood work done and was told my liver enzymes were a little elavated..Yes your gallbladder and liver need to be flushed..I did the flush 3 times and felt fine. I even went riding my horse the next morning..I have nothad a gallbladder attack since I started flushing..and they were quite frequent before..I understand your fear because I had the same fears.. Julie you will be fine, I will pray for you and if you want I will flush the same night as you. Once you do it you will be laughing at yourself..as I did.. Are you in alot of pain? Do you feel discomfort?? Are you tired all the time? There is a cure, and flushing is the answer , Julie.. I did the Hulda Clark e flush by the way to me the Epsom Salt cleans you out and you can see everything better... Come on Julie you can do it..