The new touch sceen voting boots are rigged, with patch programs. If Bush is booted out, it is because the kg ci A b wants him out. They may use a Democrat to keep the house of cards from collapsing but the programmers will never allow a candidate opposed to the tyranny being perpetuated on the U.S. Constitution. The real devil is Cheney. He may be next up. Cheney, if elected in 2008, may very well be the end of this nation. You shouldn't throw bricks in a glass house. The world is full of dangerous weapons and we are pissing off the world. People have a general sense of fair play and the world powers, with nukes and other WMD, will use a pre-emptive strike to seek equalibrium. If the lesser nations see the Nazis/K Gb posturing to attack their country, World War WW Bush may soon begin. If you don't have a passport and an evacuation plan, you are two steps behind.