You might want to post that separately, so it doesn't get lost in the parasite book thread - and so you receive several responses. As an aside, I think your epsom salts bath is interesting though - that's what Harvest Moon was in when SHE found parasites appearing in an unconvenitonal manner.
I am no expert. But I'd say no! Use this forum to educate yourself on parasites, and use this site as well. Those of us here really don't hold to much with MDs and the parasite issue. Their medication doesn't address it thoroughly and antibiotics are not NOT combatitive to a parasitic environment. Do the herbs instead.
Click on the PARASITE CLEANSING that is just above the posting threads. It will lead you to an excerpt of Dr. Hulga Clark's book and her parasite information. You'll find many similar themes if you do a GOOGLE search for "killing parasites".