What a stupendous piece of info I've stumbled upon! It's entirely on line and it's all about parasites as being the basis for a humongous compendium of things having to do with the seemingly innocuous aspects of general health (colds and flu for instance).
Check out chapter 5 called cure and the warm salty bath - WHOAAAAAA BIG CONNECTION - Harvest Moon was taking an epsom salts bath and found some of them coming out through her skin......! anyway, as I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself - his chapter 5 talks about inducing the parasites to leave the body. He discusses a few things from the parasite P.O.V. and then outlines what he calls the Warm Salty Bath -
(just in case the link malfunctions - here's the cut and paste version: http://www.paraearth.com/titlepage.asp)