hello...a little trick I use to break off nhealthy relationship with anyone...cord cutting. Go to a quiet spot breath for a few minutes and then picture a long silver cord attached anywhere on your body that is connected to this man. As you get it in your mind grab it with your left hand and use your right hand as a knife cut through it and then lovingly send it back to the other person almost like you are gently throwing a ball. Then go back over the area and pull out any little roots then cord may have left. Do so more deep breathing or more cord cutting for a few minutes.
Everytime I have done this the person on the other end somehow gets in touch with me, runs into me on the street, or calls me. It is like they were using me for energy and now I cut it off and they are looking to reattach themselves. Just do not let them. For those who are deeply attached you may need to cut the cords a few times or whenever your feeling that you need to help or contact the person who is so obviously not healthy for you. Good luck