Kaiser Hospital nightmares in California
My friend & former husband has a malignant astrocytoma brain tumor with 6 months life expectancy so says the Kaiser doctors. For about two years my friend went on a regular ( I mean like every ten days) to his local primary physician telling him he did not feel well. The Kaiser doctor ran various & sundry tests at his leisure, gave him testosterone shots now & then, v1agra, heart pills, blood pressure pills, anti-depressants, etc. My friend continued to tell the doctor he had no energy, he didn't feel right & his left arm was begining to ache. His doctor commented once that it was "all in your head". Never did a cat-scan on him & about 5 days after his last attempt to get his doctor to listen he fell in his yard paralyzed on the left side of his body & had I not been there he would have died. This happened on May 19th 2004. Kaiser hospital was the worst thing I ever experienced. They sent my friend to Redwood City to the 'experts' & no one told us they weren't going to do a damn thing but bluntly tell him,"I do not know why you are here. There is nothing we can do. Go back to Fresno. Eat, drink & be merry." They did a biopsy at our request which was botched because they did not give enough sedative & when they wing-nutted the contraption on my friends head the pain was so excruciating that he lunged forward on the bed and dislodged the device. A second biopsy was done & they dopped him into almost a liguid body. We were crammed into the 6th floor with two elderly ladies. One nurse in there used the "F" word on a paralyzed elderly patient in between yelling rapidly in Phillipino. I had to sit "on watch" for 5 days of her shift until midnight in order to protect my friend from any abuse. I could go on & on about the horrors of Kaiser for a terminally ill patient but there is not enough room. My friend is now thriving after I began using Dr.
Hulda Clark 's methods to help my friend. He has had a cat-scan, two blood & one urine test that all have come out normal. Did he even have a brain tumor? Thank God I didn't trust these doctors.