Mean, Mean people in emergency rooms.
I feel your pain. I had an incident where I was at a grocery store and the shopping cart flipped with my baby in the carrier.(there was a fissure in the pavement of the parking lot the already bent cart wheel got stuck in). I didn't expect the store I was at to give me the star treatment because I was a lawsuit in the making, but when I got to the hospital, I waited for 4 hours in the waiting room. I kept asking and they said there were people ahead of us. I waited and waited, saw people before us come and go, and I tried to be patient, but my baby landed on her head, and could have head trauma, isn't that something that should need more attention then the guy with the flu who was attended to 3 hours ahead of us? Finally I went up to a new nurse that was there and she discovered they had "Turned the chart around and didn't see it". Can you believe that?! Then, as the baby was being treated, the doctors were treating me like I was the worst mother in the world, and that I was over-reacting, and that sometimes babies get bumps and bruises. What the?!!! She FELL from a SHOPPING CART onto PAVEMENT!!!! ON HER HEAD! These maniac doctors have nerve to treat me like I'm a bad parent, when they are totally irrisponsible. They looked me up and down like I was a criminal. I mean, I'm not perfect, but come on! Possible head trauma to a baby is nothing to ignore!