Hi Happy,
Boy hearing your story is me to a tee!! My husband would say, you don't need to diet just exercise. I have to admit that exercise isn't my thing but I have started riding bikes with my 7 year old and playing kickball or baseball with him. Your right...no energy here!! I hope doing this cleanse will change that and I will want to exercise.
I just started the Master-Cleanse this morning. This sounds negative but I gagged on the first glass!! But I chugged it anyway. I am not going to give up. I couldn't find the laxitive tea so I took 1 correctol at 7 pm and 1 at midnight...I hope this was ok. I'm headed up town to look for it. And also the Sea Salt , the type I bought is like rock salt. Is there other fine brands out there?
I have to give up my Stacker 2, and coffee so I hope the energy kicks in soon...I work 3rd shift. lol
Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I will keep you posted.