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Re: HELP Please!!
PinkAngel Views: 7,663
Published: 22 y
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Re: HELP Please!!

Hi Chloe,
Thank you for all of your encouraging words. I know now I really need to do this. I have Polycystic Ovarian Disease so my hormones and metabolism are totally messed up from the get go. My endicrinologist told me losing weight would really be a struggle but that I could do it. I starting eating better; like a chicken breast, a steamed vegitable, and maybe some raw stuff for supper and then a slimfast bar at work before I got off. (I work 3rd shift and would eat and then go right to bed) I lost about 10 pounds in over 2 months. I kept this up and started the Atkins Diet about 6 weeks ago and have only lost 6 pounds, though I did get down almost 2 jean sizes. I thought doing this cleanse would help me with my PCD and the weight falling would be a wonderful benefit. I don't look fat but I am entirely too heavy..the scales don't lie!! lol
So did you do the 6 glasses a day that they recommend for the reducing diet or did you drink more? Also, did you do the laxitive tea and the salt water?
I'm so glad I have you and Joanne to get me through this!!!
I will keep you both posted.



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