When I meet people who have some sort of major or minor back problem, I'll ask them if they've been to a chiropractor. Almost inevitably, the answer is "no." They'll tell me the other things they've tried - muscle relaxants, orthopedic doctors, acupuncture, massage, etc. I will strongly encourage them to go but somehow most of them seem like they won't really consider it. I try to explain how the other things will not help if the root of the problem is not corrected, how it's harmless and painless, but it doesn't seem convincing to them. I feel sad, because I know that if I were in their situation, knowing what I know and having experienced what I have experienced with chiropractics, I would desperately want to be told about it, and so very glad to receive that care. This is not to say that chiropractics could fix 100% of people's problems in every situation, but it would fix most of them I'd say.