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Tracey Views: 1,670
Published: 22 y
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Cooooool! Your little feeling and your big feeling.....? How wonderful - you must tell us more! What was the difference? What did what? I'd love to know.

So, you're pretty lucky in that you seemed to by-pass the Fear part of entering a different frequency/plane/dimension (whatever). Yeah, I know what you're saying about being a child and being easy, natural with it. I didn't have experiences like that when I was little - mine were more mental/psychic rather than body-ish.

I have really only started to have some OBE's from about 18 years on. I've posted a link below of what my experience has been like (hastily written - bits and pieces!) It seems like lots of people feel this absolutely ghastly fear (I think it's fear of losing control of the earth plane - and that we project it out onto our dreamscape...which creates 'evil' presences about us etc etc...) I have finallly been able to control this fearful feeling of leaving my body/this plane (by creating a bubble of protection around me - as soon as the thought take holds the scene changes instantly! O wonder of wonders!) and now have some magnificent experiences without any fear! yay! Actually realizing that it was only Fear - then learning how to dissolve it has made a great impact on my earthly life as well - I suggest the technique to everyone! it's in the link...

BUT....I have to say that I don't have them very often and I haven't been concentrating on having them either (my focus when I go to sleep has been more about asking questions to receive answers etc...) But I'm game for more OBE experiences, definitely! Most of the time I've had them when I'm alone in bed - and since I have a boyfriend I dont' get the chance to be alone in bed very often. hmmmmm. I think it makes sense that I'd have them more when alone - because then my energy isn't butting up against someone elses - it's more free to do it's thing. (how can you tell I'm a Sagitarrius! ha.)

Anyway....I'm rambling....It's a gorgeous day and I'm going to get out in it!


Some OBE stuff of mine



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