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Re: Dream? Not a dream? Y'all be the judge

Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.

SLCC_98 Views: 1,897
Published: 22 y
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Re: Dream? Not a dream? Y'all be the judge

Gosh golly gee, lots of questions, I'm under the spotlight. Thats ok, I don't mind. I just messin' with ya. You know, I don't ever remember hearing any sounds at all, if anything I may have heard something like wind because of movement of colors. I have never seen anyone, but I have seen little gold lights moving all around, sometimes there's so many, it could possibly look like static, but I'm just guessing. These little gold lights may be other spirits of some kind, but I'm not sure. This really does'nt happen to me nightly, only once in a great while, usually when I'm suffering in my body in some way. When I was a kid, it happened a lot though. Sometimes I can make it happen when I'm resting and not feeling well, but rarely. About the dream world or physical world being real, I think they both can be in some sense. The physical world is real, but only for a short time. Some dreams may not be dreams at all, but some kind of travel by our spirit or souls, this is the eternal world to me, or just a very small sample of it. What we do here in the physical world, echoes in eternity.( I heard that somewhere). I hope all this makes sense. Sometimes it doesnt make any sense to me at all.


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