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Re: An odd dream

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Re: An odd dream

Hi Rudy...

Well, I've been thinking about your dream and I'm going to throw out some ideas now.

First, the vehicles in your dream. First, the submarine and then the Train. These show how you are navigating this phase of your life.

Check this out:
All vehicles appear to symbolize the way that we maneuver, or get through, a segment of our life's journey. A submarine is a powerful
moving machine that travels through deep waters. Deep waters represent our emotions and our unconscious. A submarine could
represent the way in which we are navigating through our emotional waters and deal with the materials that are coming up from our
unconscious. A submarine can have negative or positive connotations. It could suggest that you are feeling strong and are prepared to
aggressively deal with whatever issues and emotional concerns that arise in your life. On the other hand, the submarine as a dream
symbol could be suggesting that you are overly guarded and defensive and are currently not open to airing of personal issues.

I would have said that you were navigating your subconscious self (same idea)...and what you found down there was some Fear. But it is interesting because the misshapen people (what you fear and what you want to escape from) seem 'unformed' almost...which leads me to believe that right now you have some Fears down there that are unidentifiable right now. They're stirring, but you can't see them clearly. Not clearly defined.

In the dream it sounds like you felt trapped down there with your nebulous fears...but you realized (quite rightly) that your Fears weren't evil or bad, really....but that you would be trampled by them, if you did not escape. Smothered by those Fears. Is there a part of yourself (not identified yet) that you feel you are at the mercy of? Ah! It's your Emotions that you fear....they're overwhelming, but contained...? (they are Contained in the submarine within the deep waters of your sub/unconscious) feel like it's inevitable that these ill-defined emotions are going to seethe up and wipe you out? hmmmmmm...(just throwin' stuff out at you!)

Then you're trying to unlock the door. (you were experiencing the way your Emotions work, in that chamber) It was when you realized that you KNEW the numbers, that you escaped...So you connected with your Inner Knowing to get out of that situation. I would have loved to have heard the numbers you 'knew'! (the meanings of numbers are fascinating)...that may have shown us a lot...

Hmmmm....I think you have to let those Emotional Fears out of the submarine...?

The next dream on the train..."Jung thought that the train ride represented the way a person moves and behaves just like
everyone else and that you the dreamer may be striving for wholeness."

This is a great 'solution' to the dream before this one. The first dream identified the fears/problem/issue...and the next dream does a little healing...

When driving, fog is an obstacle or a hindrance that makes things obscure. In a dream it may represent those things that are creating
confusion and prevent the dreamer from seeing clearly. The setting of the dream may also give you clues about the area of life that it is referring to. Is the fog over water or land, are you in familiar or unfamiliar surroundings? Does the dream represent the journey into the unconscious, where things are obscure and mysterious, or does it symbolize a part of daily life that is unclear, ambivalent and challenging.

*You were in a train, on land, surrounded by fog...this may show that while you are journeying through your life at this time, you're feeling a little nebulous and foggy about your surroundings (being IN life? The 'other-life' (NDE) seems clearer than this actual Physical Life?)

Clouds are made of air and water, two of the four basic elements. Some would say that the soul is represented by air and spirit by water. within the Fog, you see a Spiral (that is the shape of LIFE! on-going forever and ever...)...and the spiral is made out of clouds - I think you're seeing your Soul/Spirit...True Self! And you recognize it! Of course...leaping towards your True Self (pure and whole) ensures that you will never die...because your True Self is everlasting (spiral)...

I'm with Pale Blue Tint...that you leaped towards your 'LIFE' is an excellent sign...asking you to embrace your Life (and whole Self) while you are here in the physical...

Hmmmm...I'm a little stumped by the Lawyer comment! Do you know what that means? Was there some sort of 'catch'....are you limiting yourself in some way with a certain belief....? Do you feel there's a 'catch' to living....? or.....?

Even if a tiny part of my interpretation jogs something within you and makes you realize your own truth about your dream....that will be great! Because it's your dream and you KNOW essentially..

Keep looking at your dreams and watch them transform! When they transform you transform....

much love,


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