HMMMMMM. You MAY be right about the Milk thing. About the lack of love from my mom. All she sees in me is my dad. I am guessing. And of how she would lmake comments about how I could not even be Born at the right time. I was born over two and a half months premature. And I find out that my dad commits suicide--and I am born: Probably I am born to ESCAPE ALL the wretched negative emotions my mom is FEELING!!! And I never felt loved by her. And my step dad was just a Brute...and alcoholic...
WORKING on the self love thing and MOST Especially working on the Connection and Communion with higher beings perhaps to Channel--if one considers Channeling to bE the higher octave of connection and communion and communication...ANYWAY my DNA Activation Enhanced this and was conducted/facilitated by Archangel Metatron...whom I resonate with...(BEYOND the New Age MAINSTREAM need to channel as if it is the latest fashion statement, much as DOING the SOY thing...)