I am so proud of you, Sis. It is amazing that I have known you my entire life, but did not know you had all these thoughts until recently. As you probably know, I have always taken your advice. (You ARE my big sister!) When you first told me about the fast, I was sooooo skeptical. I pictured you being so weak that you would drop the baby! You were right to wait to tell your family. This is day 12 for me, and I have lost 14 pounds so far. You helped me realize that my body is a temple, and that I don't want to rely on drugs to make me feel better for the rest of my life. Thanks for taking my 2-a-day calls filled with a million questions. We will have a good time this Thanksgiving supporting each other with good, healthy foods.
P.S.: I don't care what you say. Even at 250 pounds, you were still the pretty one!