Did my 2nd flush this weekend!
It was different from my first one, which I did expect, since everyone on this list has been saying that happened to them.
I learned that one trick for me to keep the nausea at a minimum is to keep my head elevated with 2 pillows instead of 1. Halfway during the night my neck started getting sore from the 2nd pillow, so I took the pillow away, and immediately I felt the nausea getting worse, so I stuck the pillow back and it got less again.
I was able to sleep off and on, so that was an improvement over the last time. I got up around 5 'cause my bladder was about to explode and was able to go to sleep for a few more hours after that. After taking the epsom mixes that morning I got rid of about 100 stones, so not as many as last time, but this time they were bigger. I did notice one big surprise: after about 3 trips to the toilet the liquid and stones that came out smelled awful. They smelled just like how it smelled when I was sick with giardia, 9 years ago! I was surprised and happy, because it made me feel I was able to get rid of OLD stuff!
After 3 or 4 more movements no more stones came out, but I did start seeing stringy things (translucent). I don't know if it was food or if they were parasites, but it sure looked like parasites. They ranged from 1
cm to 1 dm. And then some clusters came out. Really strange. Anyway, I felt really good after that.
That day I took it easy with food, and on Sunday I got back to my normal diet. Big mistake; I was miserable and today (Monday) I still am too. I remember from last time (month ago) that it took me a few days to recuperate, and I should have kept that in mind, but I felt soooo good, that I didn't think it could hurt. My right side hurts. But I am still happy with the result of my flush. I don't want to see/drink
OO (Olive-Oil) for at least a month though! GAG!
Who else did the flush? Good results?
Austin, TX