Re: patients are frightened by the doctors
Keep your gallbladder ONLY IF you can and you feel safe doing so. I had mine out 6 years ago and have had disgestive troubles every since. According to my doctor bile now seeps directly into the intestines causing chronic diarrhea that I'll probably have for the rest of my life. Surgeons don't forewarn you of that little detail.. or at least mine didn't. But regardless, I suffered 2 years and 3 times being misdiagnosed. I later ended up in emergency surgery (thanks to the ultra-sound) and delivered a test tube full of
Gallstones of every shape and size. (I'm not quiet sure of what people are passing doing these flush/cleanses that are green because all my stones were very hard and yellow, not soft and green at all.)
So to make my long story shorter; if you've suffered with gallbladder/stone attacks, it's a pain you are unlikely to forget because of the misery it causes, especially after you eat. It doesn't get any better after your gallbladder is removed because of the extreme pressure of bloating and diarhhea within minutes after eating.
Now again, I'm in the same pain. Coming from the liver area but it doesn't hurt like it did after I eat. It's been 3 months of misery and I've yet to muster up the courage to try this whole cleansing bit even though I feel positive it's stones. I have epilsepy to boot and cleansing, I've read, also washes away medications. That's a high risk for me to take so I sortof know where you're coming from.. to do it or not to do it.
My best to you.