Urgent For SugaNSpice......
Dear SugaWhatever,
I apologise if my courtesies fail to be pleasant. Please think before posting anything, because there are a lot of people who think, check, research and post their findings here.Unlike urself of course!
I say this because all u had to quote was from a label on the
Epsom Salts Box!
Really, Suga... did u thing that we were here if we were just followers of the "MEDICAL FRATERNITY". I'm sure that u are aware that even if 1 case in a million goes bad due to any effect of a particular medicine, it is mandatory to report the side effect on the warning labels! That does not mean that every one going to be affected by the med in the same way!
If you are a person of sound mental stability and not a kid playing pranks, please be more responsible. If u r a kid, well dear, please dont disturb the equilibrium of trust here! we all are interdependent on each other and need this to get through! Hope u understand this